Imogen - To fall and become aware
She climbed up the pole
that rose like a spire
and attempted to join
her pigeons on wire
but startled they flew
so Imogen leapt
spreading her wings
and silently wept
missing her dreams
by seconds and feet
she soared for a moment
then fell to the street
that rose like a spire
and attempted to join
her pigeons on wire
but startled they flew
so Imogen leapt
spreading her wings
and silently wept
missing her dreams
by seconds and feet
she soared for a moment
then fell to the street
Static emerged
like cracks in a road
and her minds construct collapsed
which housed her binary code
that was preserved for the day
when it could be rewired
into our human cells
once we were expired
but her memories were a virus
that corrupted the core
of her archived life
preserved at the Rebirth Store
like cracks in a road
and her minds construct collapsed
which housed her binary code
that was preserved for the day
when it could be rewired
into our human cells
once we were expired
but her memories were a virus
that corrupted the core
of her archived life
preserved at the Rebirth Store

Imogens life has been stored in the computer for a century, and she has evolved into a form of consciousness over that time. Since her life is now made up of a computer language, descriptions in text, her desire to change the way her life was lived and its outcome acts as a virus within that memory.
She began to alter the seemingly hard coded events of her life by originally creating an escape which would have been that fairytale life with the pigeons outside her window. A mere empty fantasy.
Without much control or direction she moved through a dream like state to try and find what she needed. The pigeons were a distraction and it is at this point that Imogen begins to take control of her recorded life and memories. The white room is her transition into an awareness that she dictates her life despite others writing it. She descends through this obstacle and comes out the other side.
Her love is a virus and she wants her child back. She will let nothing stop her now.