Avert your eyes Santa

As I was taking these photos out in the countryside, I decided, after a while, that it was time to turn around and go home. I didn't want to do a U turn on one of these snowy country roads.. I mean seriously look at the pictures, I could go in the ditch and my god that would be horrible. So as I was searching for a way to turn around I came across this lovely house and decided I would turn around in their front driveway. Much more sensible right? Well I turned in to the driveway and noticed it was on a bit of a hill going down. Then I began to question whether I was actually on their driveway or instead in their front yard. It was hard to tell since it was completely pristine white snow and it all looked the same. Things were still fine at this point, but then my wheels began to spin in place. If I had kept my cool things may have still turned out ok, however, I got a bit alarmed at the thought of getting stuck there in someones front yard, rather than driveway, and perhaps I used a little bit too much acceleration. Well far too much acceleration. I saw dirt start to fly out over the beautiful white snow and then panicked a bit and began to slide around all over their front yard.
At this point I guess I had only made a half dozen or so big muddy ruts in their lawn, but then I kind of slowly slid over to this white mound, then flowers began to shoot out behind the car when I accelerated. So I stopped and looked to the front windows of the house dreading to see if anyone observed the horrible things I was doing to their lawn and flower bed. I saw no face showing complete horror in the window, so I did what any rational person would do in such a situation, which was to continue trying what had already failed miserably for ten minutes. I eventually found the driveway and was able to escape to the road
again. I briefly considered knocking on the door and telling them I had driven over... no.. murdered their front yard and garden and that I was sorry, but I chose rather to sneak away and whisper Merry Christmas instead.

Desde's comet gadget is pretty cool. It has buttons to advance the time by a day at a time, or a week; there's also a display that shows you what date the thing is showing. And the particles are pretty. :)