The searing heat of truth burns to blue the peripheral fog of detachment. Your art is such truth. Loss, longing, despair, hope, survival, extinction. Exploration, quest, discovery, connection. These are universal emotional epicenters that inform our creations and let them breath and let others inspire (love) and expire (suffer) with them. The illusive immersive moments of SL are fleeting, but the truth and emotion in art (dance, song, poetry, sim, painting) reverberate in the cells of the practitioner and participants long after the book is closed, the last echo of the final note is played, or the screen fades to black. The illusion of immersion is just that. Your avatar, at once the goddess of Immersvia, whom I mythologize as the last of a race of rare and exquisite creator beings, is also the technologically savvy, playful, cursing, needs to pay her taxes, has a cat ruined couch creative human who’s art so many of us seem to find magical. This is not a criticism, just an observation, but the “human” presence of your avatar ( i.e. the personality and personal asides imbued in your blog post, and your general reputation for friendliness in world) is probably a bigger distraction to your vision of immersion than any localized distraction of the humanoid staring at the screen of magic. More mythology and less human means more mystery and suspension of disbelief. But that is not the point, and again my apologies for ramblings I promised to curtail, but it is your truths, not Bryn’s, as reflected in your art, that compel me to such utterances. Truth in art is immersion. Long live the goddess of Immersvia and her talented creator.
Great point Semaj. I have told myself in the past to not talk about my rl but I sometimes forget. I do want bryn to remain internet only and part of this reason is because i find the concept really interesting. Thanks for reminding me!