Zbrush not actual sculpture |
In my last post on Hand I mentioned that I had some exciting news to talk about. So sometimes I will cross over my artwork which I create for the the virtual space here in Second Life, with something in "real life". In the past it has been things like Museum exhibits at the Menage museum in Moscow, the Jewish museum in Berlin, with oil paintings of my avatar or characters and so on. I have kind of taken a fairly big jump into the expensive realm of Bronze sculpture. I have a million projects in my mind that I really do mean to get around to eventually. One was to create sculptures of my characters in Second Life, and a while ago I did create some sculptures of the daughter of gears in
Zbrush representation of the bronze |
metal and then also another in hydrocal. The hydrocal feels to light in your hand and the metal one was attached to a backing. What I wanted was a nice small bronze sculpture that was nice and heavy in my hand. I don't know I just like to hold heavy little things. It is a peculiarity of mine. Anyway my friend Toy really pushed me to get this done and within a month I will have 30 bronze sculptures of my model the Dancer. These will be for sale first to Second life residents with the remainder going to a real world gallery to be sold. Once they go to the gallery they will triple in price so if owning one of these interests then don't wait too long to tell me. I will put my email at the end of this post and they can be reserved. Each of the sculptures will have an edition number and my
initial 3d printing |
signature under the base. So the first one poured from the mold will have a 1 and the final casting will have a 30 engraved. I will be doing posts through each stage of the creation process with pictures. Right now I have just been sent the 3D printing of the model for testing purposes. The images above are done in Zbrush of the dancer and I have created a patina where the skirt is a bit greyish blue. This patina will be matched fairly closely on the final bronze. So what you see in the zbrush 3D model is very close to what the final will look like (and I will naturally show the final in pictures when I get them). To the right here is the 3D printing and I am really pleased with how it came out. It actually looks pretty nice just white like that. Ok so here are the details. The sculpture will be 4 inches tall and probably weigh about 2lbs. It will fit right in my hand and be heavy! rrrrrahaha I can't wait. I will carry it all over the place.... possibly talking to it but I probably shouldn't admit to that. These will be the prices per edition and you would tell me which edition you would like to purchase.
initial 3d printing |
The Dancer
1st = $400 US dollars + shipping
2nd= $375
3rd= $350
4th= $325
5th= $300
6-10 = $275
11-15= $250
16-20= $225
21-25= $200
26-29= $150
If you would like to pre purchase one of the 30 bronze sculptures then send me an email to reserve the edition. My email is....
The Dancer from "Hand" |
If there is interest by people in owning a physical sculpture of my work then I am thinking I will
make more for other characters. The Rabbicorn, Mr Zippers, The Daughter of Gears and so on. Anyway I am really excited and will share more posts soon as I get more images.. it is done through the
lost wax casting process so the next images will be of the wax moulds.