Grant from the Canadian Government

     I have some really wonderful news to share.  I just received this in the mail....

"On behalf of the Ontario Arts Council (OAC), I am pleased to inform you that you have been awarded a
Media Artists Emerging Program grant towards Standby in the amount of $10,000."

People tend to resist virtual art the same way they resisted calling photography and film art forms upon their arrival.  The Daguerreotype was seen as a toy, yet now we have famed photographers ranging from Ansel Adams to Annie Leibovitz.  When I talk about virtual art and identity to gallery curators I often come away with the same feeling.  That they are now in their 50's, they have spent their life studying art forms to be an expert in a variety of areas.  And that they don't want to start over with a new medium.  It's quite understandable and I am not suggesting they all think that way, just the ones I have spoken to.  I don't bring up Bryn Oh to them in an attempt to sway their views, I merely ask in order to find out their initial base reaction, so I can build up an understanding of the perspectives I am dealing with.
     So a jury of peers reviewed my application which was based on my ghost artist Bryn Oh, and my story of the Rabbicorn.  I spent a great deal of time expressing my opinion that some of the virtual art we are creating now will inevitably go down in history books.  In fact Bryn Oh is on the syllabus to three Universities that I am aware of.   I competed against "traditional" art applications and won.  This idea is quite exciting to me as it turns into a form of legitimization of the medium.  Not that the artists working here need people to tell them what we are doing is art and important.  We already know that.  But now the next time I apply for a big event the organizers will see that a large art organization has faith in me and my medium.  You see at the top there is a logo they have supplied .  Its a magic logo.  When I now talk about virtual art to a curator, rather than them say "hmm isn't virtual worlds where dragons have virtual sex with vampires?", I will now attach that logo and they will instead say "hmm please tell me more about your ideas".

My grant is made up of two areas to accomplish.  The first is to create a 30 minute movie for the Daughter of Gears, the Rabbicorn story and Standby into one piece.  This final piece will be used to send around to movie companies to see if they are interested.  The second part is to create a show in a RL gallery as Bryn Oh whereby I create a virtual environment for the guest to enter and explore.  It would also be based around the story of Standby.  I am hoping to use kinect and virtual reality headsets (which are quite tiny now) as part of this exhibit.  So if there are any kinect programmers in the Toronto area please contact me as I will need to find a way to have them compatible.  I have seen them work together in videos but programming is not my thing.  Anyway, I am excited and just wanted to share the news on my blog.


Anonymous said…
This is great news Bryn ... I am so happy for you ~ Miwa (SL - Neytiri Mimiteh)
Indigo Mertel said…
Congratulations, Bryn! I am happy for you :)
ColeMarie Soleil said…
its about time ;)
Anonymous said…
That's great news. Congratulations! Your comparison to the Daguerreotype makes me wonder what people will be able to accomplish in another 25 or 50 years with this medium. We're in such early days yet.
Skylar Smythe said…
Brilliant! As a Toronto, Ontario resident I am so incredibly proud of the Council for choosing to invest in your innovative expression Bry!

Way to go!

Skylar Smythe
Moti Moody said…
You deserve it `-´
Aequitas said…
Congratulations, I appreciate your insight in that this will give your work credibility in venues previously closed.
Corcosman said…
Congratulations, Bryn. And best of luck with all the parts of your grant project. The tale of Daughter of Gears, Rabbicorn and Standby has love and self-sacrifice at its center and that resonates deeply in the heart.
Bettina Tizzy said…
Bryn: You (and your work) are so deserving of this grant. I'm excited, too, because the National Film Board of Canada is so open to new, imaginative ways of storytelling. At least it used to be. Hoping that's still true.
PralineB said…
Wow! Congratulations Bryn!! Iam very glad for you and for all the "pionners" we are ! Thank you for sharing with us and my best thoughts for the next project to come in rl!
R. said…

Willow said…
Bryn, this is exciting news...and it is well time for it. Congratulations to you, the very best to you for your projects, and...a warm and deep "thank you!" for your generous sharing of your work. Inspiration comes my way...and peace...
Anonymous said…
This really great news and so well deserved for your work. Congratulations

iono Allen said…
This is really great news Bryn, for you of course and for the virtual art community.
Bravo !
Kara Trapdoor said…
Great! Congratulations!
Unknown said…
This is so cool Bryn, congratulations :)
Andrew said…
Amazing news, congratulations!
Kandinsky said…

For you, and for all the artists that really try to develop the possibilities there are in sl.

I am sorry I do not live in Canada as your rl-gallery project seems extremly exciting! Maybe it will be the first step into a way of blending our worlds.
Anonymous said…

Kabisha Quan said…
Thats such fantastic news Bryn. I have been telling people about your work here in New Zealand, and it seems beyond them to grasp. At last something in the rl that recognises your talent. May this open mind spread internationally.

OAC_CAO said…
Bryn, we are thrilled to have been able to support your project!

@Skylar Smythe, Thanks for the kudos! Much appreciated.
Betty Tureaud said…
well done Bryn :))
HeadBurro Antfarm said…
Well done! I look forward to seeing what you create :)
Pixels Sideways said…
Yay Bryn! This is fantastic news!!!! Kudos to you. :)
Anonymous said…
Really deserved, I am glad to hear some goverment has brain. Wonder if I could become Canadian???

Congrats Bryn!

Igor Ballyhoo
LaPiscean Liberty said…
Like a magnet, you have managed to pull toward you, the polarized concepts of older governments, & the interest of mainstream media.

Outstanding !!

bibliobibuli said…
I am thrilled for for you, Bryn, because this is very well deserved. I'm also so happy about the bigger thumbs up that this gives virtual art.

Loquacia Loon
Dividni Shostakovich said…
Great news, Bryn, it's a real breakthrough! And congratulations to the folks in Canada as well, for their forward thinking!
Bryn Oh said…
Thank you everyone for the kind words. It's very encouraging to me and I will do everything I can to take advantage of this opportunity they have given me. I promise not to spend all the money on gummy bears and pez.
anje said…
Our wonderful Bryn! We are so happy for you and applaud your success. Mazel Tov!
Aria E. Appleford said…
I am thrilled that your talent was recognized in this way and cannot wait to see where you go with this incredible endorsement of your work. While we may not have had money to back up our appreciation of your talent, if it was measured in dollars would have millions!!
BobE said…
Fantastic news, Bryn. Massive congrats.

Solkide Auer said…
You are so deserving of this grant Bryn and i am happy your talent was recognized from the Canadian Government. A talent that all of us we know you have.
Glyph Graves said…
Thats fantastic Bryn, really pleased! . Also fascinated by the prospect of what you will create for the gallery visitors.
Scottius said…
Congratulations Bryn! A big woohoo and yay-yay for you! :)
Anath. said…
Bryn this is great news ! At least, if you spend all the money for gummy bears, try to tell us their story in a 3D immersive exhibition ^__^


Spiral Silverstar said…
Very Exciting News and you are more than deserving of this honor!
Anonymous said…
No one deserves it more! Stand up and take a bow.

Ceorl said…
Happy for you and Proud of you! Awesome Bryn!!!
Natsuki Morigi said…
Wonderful news Bryn and congratulations !
Cellandra Zon said…
Bryn, what groundbreaking you have done. You have opened the door for all of us machinima hopefuls. Thank you for that.
Congrats on your work. I hope you can have your RL work come to a gallery in Minnesota when you are done.
HUGS to you.
Unknown said…
Yippee! Great news Bryn.

==Chimera Cosmos==
Skate said…
Congratulations! So happy one of our shining lights of SL will be seen and appreciated beyond our world! So happy for you :)
Anonymous said…
congratulations to you Bryn - so very pleased for you! that's amazing and well-deserved!
Zu said…
I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. I am so happy for you and can't wait to see what comes next!
Semaj said…
now that's some nice crackers godess Oh, well done

p.s. now please provdide lm for the dragon/vampire sex :)
Tezcatlipoca said…
Awesome!! Glad Canada agrees with what we all know: your work is excellent and deserving of attention. So thrilled for you!
Anonymous said…
Congrats Bryn!!
Unknown said…
Congrats Bryn....but does ths mean my taxes go up? :-)


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