
I was speaking to millay Freschi from Amnesty International in second life today who happened to come to Immersiva. I knew I would like her because she went right to the tower for the Daughter of Gears story and very stubbornly wanted to climb it. I mentioned that it was set to no fly there and it was hard to climb but she welcomed the challenge. Impressed I popped over to the Amnesty International site and was please to see a bunch of SL stuff there. And through this unlikely chain of events I found a video which reinforced my view that the art concept of Immersiva will be the future. I think I have mentioned before the idea of coming home from a terrible day at work and being able to plug into a customized world for oneself. A place to forget about everything and be at peace. Think of where you would love to be right now, be it either a sandy beach or fighting with King Arthur in some mystical battle. Imagine having your fantasy date there as well, fully customized to that which you find irresistible. Imagine having something to block out the real world so that you forget it even exists. Something to cover your eyes and ears so that the suspension of disbelief will not be broken.
Now this will be both good and bad technology and will tragically destroy many lives. It will be the strongest drug ever created. I imagine it could affect entire economies of countries due to its adverse effects on some people. We already have people addicted to Second Life and Second Life is merely the crude beginnings to what will come. But it will also create some of the greatest art mankind will ever know. Milo could be the prototype of your customized companion. But there would also be the Angelina Jolie for the men or perhaps the vampire Edward from the Twilight Saga for the ladies. It might be all cloud talk but humour me for a bit. This video is ridiculously advanced and exciting.


Mab MacMoragh said…
that is exciting and a little scary- the future looks sort of like a little fisherman
Unknown said…
Beautiful and terrifying. Reminded of:
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.” - Thoreau, Walden
Bryn Oh said…
Oh I like that one Pascale. But on the bright side it could also be used for medical training maybe, unscripted historical reenactments.. I guess lots of things. I suppose educationally there would be no better way to understand ancient/modern battlefield or a historically stirring speech than to actually be there and witness it.
Semaj said…
of course the participant in art/life/games brings a prior knowledge suitcase of past perceptions and expectations to all events, art happenings, etc ... but whatever the medium of expression, the talent or artistry of the artist/author/game designer/teacher/revolutionary is paramount in communicating more than the mundane.Twitter/Facebook, just made this leap from mundane Ashton Kucher ramblings, to the the skies of the human spirits cries for freedom in Iran. Allah Akbar. Technology is trash or heaven (and every combination therin), just depends on the usage. Thank you for being anything but mundane. Long live the godess of Immersvia.
Rob anton said…
wow... I'm intrigued by your drug analogy, Bryn. I blogged about a very early essay (1990) on virtual reality by Terence Mckenna in which he makes the same connection, despite the technology of the time being far inferior to what we are used to now.
Bryn Oh said…
Thanks Rob that was a really interesting post you did. And you are very right Semaj, so hopefully SL continues to draw in the forward thinking talent away from rl.
rsgoldfeng said…
Edward from buy Diablo 3 Goldthe Twilight Saga for the ladies. It might be all cloud talk but humour me for a bit. This video isGuild Wars 2 Gold ridiculously advanced and exciting.

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