Talk on Immersiva

I will be doing a talk at 1pm second life time on friday the 30th at Immersiva on the artistic concept of Immersiva. Sounds confusing. If your interested in finding out where I think art is going and what I am trying to do then come listen. I am doing this for the Caerleon island group and the final result will be a book on second life where I am doing a chapter on Immersion... or so I am told. I really hate long chat talks so I plan on making it 20 min or so, and I will likely lead a tour of Immersiva when I am done talking. So this is all for Georg Jannick a wily prof from University of Massachusetts at Boston. But I will also be opening my Condos in Heaven build this weekend as well.
It will be February 1st at the University of Kentucky sim which held the wonderful show by AM Radio last month. The U of KY sim is really one to watch as they are offering plenty of prims and have the fantastic Tezcatlipoca Bisani as the art curator.
I actually just read what Tez wrote about me above and I love it. He distilled what I do better than I think I could. Wonderful writing Tez.
So if you are planning on coming to see Condos in Heaven please download the sky setting... its very imortant! I built it for this setting and it would bug me if you didnt use it. So here is the spot to download the xml file again.

--Oriscus "Oz" Zauberflote, University of KY