Now here is my problem. I have made a custom sky in environment editor as seen in this picture. And I want everyone who comes to my sim to have the ability to use this sky. Has anyone out there ever been able to achieve this? I have found my sky setting on my computer as an .xml file but I can't upload it as its not music or a jpeg. This should have been something Linden Labs had done ages ago it seems. I mean the vast majority of sims are very similar and letting people set the environment would create a multitude great sims.
On a side note.. I have sent an IM to Torley Linden about this and I am really curious as to whether he would even get my IM. That poor guy must get an obnoxious amount of IM's. I will keep posted the one person out there who is also interested in finding out if my IM gets lost.
I guess you could either have a script hand out a notecard detailing the settings, or upload them to Rapidshare or a similar service and provide a link to the file.
The only way I've seen it done is by giving visitors a notecard with the setting values in it and gettingthem to set them manually (all the environmental stuff being client side and dependent on the preferences).
The only way to do it is to give them the XML code to cut and paste into their preferences file in their SL folder - messy and fraught with issues - it will also require them to restart to get the settings - they will also need to save their previous .xml file so they can reset after they are done with your space - again having to cut and paste data and restart sl client.)
Rather than IM Torley, go to his blog (torley.com) and search for windlight. Find one of his old posts on the subject and post a reply to that.
He can be a bit slow in responding - he's a busy guy - but he /will/ respond. Just be sure to set your comment to notify you in email. :-D