Thinking out loud

Song I am listening to at the moment is Courtship Dating by Crystal Castles.

So I am fascinated with the idea of being an Artist that exists only on the Internet. No real life connection just an artist made up of pixels and doodads wandering about. I have limited almost everything I can that will influence people... I have no voice, no real life picture, no age nothing that people will connect to the real world when they see me in world. Some kind of entity that creates art and is an extension of her art as well. I don't just make art and then have some shabby avatar that I have put no effort into.. the whole idea is to create a "character", to design myself and be part of the art I create. Artists like Andy Warhol and Salvador Dali had character. They were almost as recognizable as their artwork and it was a contributing factor to their success. Albert Einstein was quite the scientist but Christ what a fantastic character too! crazy hair and somewhat absent minded look. He became a template for the wacky TV scientist. Second life is meant for this and here is a spontaneous short list of some of my favorite second life "characters"

AM Radio
Blotto Epsilon
Tezcatliopica Bisani (pictured)
Sabine Stonebender
Pavig Lok
Glyph Graves in an odd sort of way
Ub Yifu (as don quixote)
Four Yip
Pandora Wrigglesworth
Madcow Cosmos (as the wee red demon)
Yoa Ogee (as the fish tank)
Dammit Dawg

I know I am forgetting some of my favorites and someone really should do a proper list of interesting characters. Hmmm Bettina are you reading this?


DB said…
my buddy Patchouli Woollahra
is one of my favs :)
Anonymous said…
Give me a cigarette, said Jean-Paul Sartre to Simone de Beauvoir in the Deux Magots. "You smoke too much", said de Beauvoir. Sartre said, you have contracted with me never to say a petty-bourgeois thing, nor to hold me to the dreary and suburban expectations of small minds. Are we not as gods, who must tragically, and in the absence of god, determine our lifespan by acting as committed members of a self-conscious vanguard? I know that Heidegger would call upon us to acknowledge the mystery of Being (Sein) in Time (Zeit) but we refuse the mysterious and peer into a desacrilized world in which sacrifice of short-term instinct must be examined, not for its utility to be sure, in a petty bourgeois spirit which again, I refuse, but for its worth as a gesture of defiance. Therefore give me a cigarette, ho.

I have an avatar and I smoke :P

I'd also like to add to this list : Orhalla Zander the Hobo King (if such a thing can exist), the incomparable Strangie Ornitz, the mysterious Bones Deadlights who spent a week at the hobo village as a quietly quizzical but not quite human fembot without breaking character once, Mis Chav Paderbourn for her seemingly reluctant and fatalistic approach to fashion, and countless others.

SL presents us a unique mode of self expression where we can be our own selves as well as our own ideals. In the words Stewart Brand used to launch the Whole Earth Catalog in 1968: “We are as gods and might as well get good at it.”

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