"Obedience" an artwork opening at the Jüdisches Museum in Berlin
Opening yesterday is a hybrid art

The story for the exhibition is that of Abraham and Isaak from the Bible. The Museum space is made up of 15 rooms and reflects on the narrative in a macro viewpoint. The Second Life portion is a micro viewpoint I created which is a modernized retelling of the story. My intention was to see how we may interpret the actions if they were slightly altered and presented in a way that is more familiar to the average person, perhaps removing some of the abstraction and distancing we may get from being unable to fully associate with the characters involved. For example does our perception change if God speaks to Abraham through the flickering images of a TV set late at night? I wanted to show the relationship, the deep love and bond between a Father and son, then juxtapose that against a command by God for that Father to kill his son as a sacrifice. God prevents Abraham from killing his son, but what happens once Gods presence has withdrawn after testing Abraham's faith? How might the moments go when Abraham and Isaak are now alone and words are needed to explain? I think it is healthy to change the perspective from which we view things and hopefully the exhibit will encourage discourse and debate for those who experience it. It will of course make some people grumpy as it relates to the touchy subject of Religion, and I have used some artistic license to portray figures in ways that might not be appreciated, such as covering Gods four angels who surround him with camera lenses rather than the endless eyes as described in Revelations. But it reflects the monitoring we have in our societies, in fact I expect if I walked out my door right now I could very well be recorded on some type of surveillance. God's angels are described as being covered by eyes and to me that suggests that God sees all and is an acceptable parallel to create. Anyway you will see.
When I get some images of the Museum location I will do another post and speak in greater detail of the project. The SLURL is here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA1/39/215/125 and you will need to set up the viewer almost the same as in the Singularity of Kumiko (the directions are at the landing point) Phototools - No Light and the shadows with projectors.. you will remember. The number of avatars permitted on the region is limited.
Good build, Bryn (and Jo), I'm sure I'll visit it several times.
It questions you, questions who you are.
You personal.
What position do you take,which decisions do you make, what about your own obedience? What are you doing , because you got told to, how much of it would you do, if not told to?
It can be shocking, it can shake you up, it can make you perpetrator, co-perpetrator, victim and all that same time. Or it makes you a neutral observer. But are those neutrals, in fact, not co-perpetrator and/or victims, too?
And the sweet side effect : For those not firm with the 'holy books' - they get to learn about that part.
I sincerely hope that the RL part of the exhibition does wander.