Hey that's me in the picture there!... why didn't anyone tell me I looked so freaking weird? I am all white and shit and wtf is that horns on my head? Look at that old burlap sack I am wearing! Well at least I don't look like Dax' Anyway, so I am in an
auction as you might have guessed and it is for a great cause. To feed children. I think many of us may forget what it is really like to be hungry, and for children to suffer in such a way is heartbreaking. Children around the world are the same, innocent and pure and really just wanting to feel safe. To be completely honest, I am a fairly boring person, and should you end up winning me I will prove it to you. What you are really doing is giving money to feed children with a very small bonus of doing whatever you want with me. We can hang out and chat, I can help you with machinima or art, grant writing or perhaps even build you something. Take you on a tour of my new build
The Singularity of Kumiko or whatever. Its up to you. The SLURL is
here There are some great deals out there. Ole Etzel for 1000L are you serious? Naxos Loon for 650L? Misprint Thursday for 350L? Cutea Benelli for 1500L? Below is the official info as supplied by MadPea.

The bidding runs from February 15th 2014 right the way through to February 23rd, where it culminates in a series of live appearances from some of Second Life’s most famous artists, creators, musicians and bloggers, all of whom will be available for anyone and everyone to bid on. There’ll also be entertainment and music provided by popular singers and MC’s, with KatRose Serendipity, Shannon Oherilhy, Noma Falta, Marky Helstein and Kess Crystal being just a few of over a dozen performers scheduled to appear throughout the day!
Each auctionee has personally put together a special selection of treats for their winning bidder that amount to an experience that is truly Once in a Second Lifetime. With big names like Bryn Oh, Bernhard Drax, Queen Pea Kiana Writer and Jaimy Hancroft all going on the block, MadPea hopes to raise over 1,200,000L for Feed A Smile’s projects, ultimately feeding over 400 children for an entire month!
For more information on this amazing event, or to offer yourself up for auction, please contact Kiana Writer, Bobbi Bashir or Fugazi Rubanis in-world. Requests for comment for print or publication from any MadPea staff should be sent to Fugazi Rubanis.