I was robbed!

suspect line up
      I woke up today to a rather ominous message sent to me by Linden Lab.  In it they informed me that my account had been put on hold due to "suspicious behaviour".   The suspicious behaviour was somebody stealing all my money!  Joke was on them though as I had already been robbed numerous times by stores before Christmas.  A word of advice to burglers... rob before Christmas as it is likely much more lucrative.  Seriously though my first thoughts were "how long is this going to take to get resolved?" my second thought was completely unrelated so I wont bother repeating it here.  So I went in to the Linden police station to see if I could identify the culprit by picking them out from a suspect line up behind a one way mirror.  Sadly I lagged bad at that moment and walked through the one way glass and they all saw me.   I didn't recognize any of the shapes but I didn't like the look of the cube.. seemed a bit two faced to me.  I have to say though that Linden Lab fixed it in a matter of hours.  I was pretty impressed and felt a wee bit guilty for my snarky post about them the other day.  Now I have to figure out what this means.  A friend of mine says I have to reformat my entire computer in case they have a keylogger on my computer now.  That would be pretty horrible and tons of work.  Someone else said my nortons program should be sufficient to tell me if I need to be worried.  I am changing all my passwords now but I guess if they have a keylogger that wont do much.  If anyone has any suggestions please let me know in the comments!


Skylar Smythe said…

Skylar / Lori
Bit Vyper said…
try crap cleaner from download.com it may find something if nortons misses it also if its a keylogger and you are teh only one using yoru computer. write your passwords on a note pad saved on a jump drive .. when go log in to an account copy paste teh account name then teh pass word .. this will give teh key log program cntl C and cntrl V which will protect you as this is not your name or password sorry hear what was doen to you and hope your new year is much much better
Luna said…
Well Wish you an Happy (better!) New Year Bryn
Robward Antwerp said…
Sad to say but key loggers are not that uncommon. For some time now I've installed a key stroke encryption utility called KeyScrambler from QFX software. I am sure there are other options. I figure between KeyScrambler,strong passwords tools & Norton I'm fairly safe from most pesky malware short of the NSA. Not a ringing endorsement I know, but I feel better at least. :)
Will Burns said…
You could always try running Spybot Search and Destroy to see if it catches a keylogger or any other Malware that may be running. :)
Michael said…
There's always the option of switching to Linux or Mac OS. There are very few keyloggers or other malware written for those OSes. Have you determined how they got your password? Most commonly, it's phishing that gets you. If you're sure you haven't been phished, then formatting your drive and re-installing your OS from scratch, while offline or behind a firewall, would be a good idea. Norton doesn't catch everything.
Bryn Oh said…
Thanks everyone.. as it turns out I received a message from a friend saying that if I clicked on a marketplace link she sent me then I might be hacked. The link was to a site that looked like marketplace and really it was my fault for not looking more closely at the link before clicking it. I tried malwarebytes and it seemed to find a few things so hopefully that fixed it.
Anonymous said…
geeze, bryn, that's horrible!

i'm glad you're able to keep such humor about it, though. lord knows, i'd be livid!

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