2013 Avi Choice Awards and The Oldbie project

The show will be televised on Aview TV and broadcast on T1 Radio.
For more information about the Avi Choice Awards, visit the website at avichoiceawards.com I am a wee bit late posting this as the final day is tomorrow to vote. I am excited to say that I was nominated in four categories. Favorite Videographer.. umm machinimatographer, Favorite poet/spoken word performer/actor, Favorite Art Gallery for Immersiva and Favorite Artist. So yay that is kind of fun. Looking at the list of people and categories made me realize that I need to get out more. I am, however, feverishly building a foam hand just in case I do win something.
Another thing I wanted to mention was a great series of posts done by DrFran Babcock called The Oldbie project. I like to read about how sl has evolved over the decade or so since its inception and these interviews are done with the very early residents. Often they will mention little tidbits of how it used to be.. like for example the latest interview is with Hikaru Yamamoto and she talks about how teleports used to cost money and at one time there was a Linden Alien who used to roam sl abducting people. Anyway have a read if you enjoy that as well.