Imogen and the pigeons has been a great success with just under 50k visitors and surprisingly it is still getting quite a few people daily. However I have a terrible building itch and a new idea that I have been waiting to try out for ages now. The Bienal de Cerveira is complete and sadly, in order to make new things, the older things must be deleted. I am midway through filming parts of Imogen so that I may hopefully make a machinima of the story at a later date. I expect to be done in two or three weeks and will, at that time, delete Imogen and her story. So if you have not seen it or wish to bring a friend then you have a few weeks left to do so.

I have really enjoyed speaking to a variety of people with very astute perceptions on different ways the virtual medium can be used for creating "art". What is exciting to me is the amount of people who are looking at the medium with the intention of imagining where it can go to and what makes it unique as an art form, rather than trying to mimic what we recognize as traditional art.

The story for Imogen is intended to be slightly vague as to allow the viewer to interpret the narrative with more freedom. I feel that it may be more engaging for the viewer if they are not told a definitive story which can make the viewer passive, but rather to live and interact within a story which requires them to activate their imagination. My stories are always very personal to me as they are created around aspects or observations of my own life, so I do have a particular narrative behind Imogen and her poems. Many do ask for my side of the story and if you are one who likes to know the ideas and concepts behind a work then I have listed a series of posts I did to explain the work. If on the other hand you prefer the mystery then their is absolutely no need to click any of these links below.

I look forward to whatever comes next.
I look forward to whatever comes next...
I'll never forget it