Immersiva news

I have just uploaded the new Firestorm viewer and the phototools look great. It is now a pleasure to take photographs. Hmm what other news do I have? .. Oh Skye Galaxy messaged me yesterday and said that he will only be in SL to perform on occasion and wants to do a circuit of sims he loved from when he first came to sl. So he will be doing a show on Immersiva in the next month. I will announce the details in my in-world group with the unexpected name of Immersiva. Hmm what else. I have discovered a beautiful old recording done by ColeMarie Soleil where she made a poem of mine into a harmony. I have just completed that machinima and will upload it soon. She is an incredible talent. My friend Travis who did the music for the Pandora video I made a few months ago, has taken on the task of doing the score for Standby. Standby is the 40 minute movie which combines my trilogy of works starting with The Daughter of Gears, The Rabbicorn and then Standby into one film. I will hopefully have that done in a month as well. Think that is all the news for now which means I am back to writing Christmas cards so that they don't all arrive the week after Christmas like they did last year. I absolutely hate writing Christmas cards. Humbug.