Part three - Standby
Below is the trailer for the final chapter of the Rabbicorn story which will open at IBM on November 1st.
It is bittersweet for me to finish the story of the Rabbicorn. I have been working on it for the last few years and really almost everything I do in Second Life is connected to it in some way. I will continue to elaborate on some of the secondary stories tied to it with the main one being where Mr Lightbulb and Zinger the rocket dog fit into the story. This will take me another year or so, but Standby will be the last to directly talk about the Rabbicorn and Daughter of Gears. Its been therapeutic for me as well as a pleasure to see how many of you love the Rabbicorn and Daughter the same as I do. I really hope you like the final chapter and I will do a post at the end of the month with more info on landmark etc.
Trindolyn Beck made this tribute to the Rabbicorn recently and I wanted to show it here. Kind of reminds me of a character from that movie 9. He also made one of my avatar once and it was weirdly cool. It was like a human version of Bryn. Trindolyn is a very talented artist and does commission portrait work if you ever wanted to see your avatar built like this. He did a great job of ColeMarie Soleil too I recall.
It is bittersweet for me to finish the story of the Rabbicorn. I have been working on it for the last few years and really almost everything I do in Second Life is connected to it in some way. I will continue to elaborate on some of the secondary stories tied to it with the main one being where Mr Lightbulb and Zinger the rocket dog fit into the story. This will take me another year or so, but Standby will be the last to directly talk about the Rabbicorn and Daughter of Gears. Its been therapeutic for me as well as a pleasure to see how many of you love the Rabbicorn and Daughter the same as I do. I really hope you like the final chapter and I will do a post at the end of the month with more info on landmark etc.

Thanx, Bryn, for all the inspiration you give to all of us. "Weirdly cool" could fit alot of the folk round here :)