"What the orphans saw" a new work

combines Cyber-Edwardian sensibilities with Kawaii. Seems a natural hybrid haha. As the matron languishes in her VR dreamworld the orphans sneak out of the house to see what one of them has discovered. An appalling scene that turns their world upside down.
I have some great news too, Skye Galaxy will make a rare appearance and do a live show for the opening on Sunday July 8th at 10am SLT. If you are unfamilliar with Skye then google him or watch the video below. He is a rare talent, a sl legend. Now much less legendary will be me playing some of my favorite songs at this
moment for an hour before Skye's show at 9am slt. That is if I can figure out how to use my stream to be a dj. How hard can it be? And when I say "me playing some of my favorite songs" that naturally means me playing other peoples music.. not me singing. I would never subject someone to that horror, not even Donald Trump. Ok maybe I would for Donald the sandy pantload but nobody else.
This will be a half sim build and I have moved the other three 26 tines, Lady Carmagnolle and Tilt-a-whirl to the left side. I have also used a feature in firestorm which will change your windlight in each parcel. It will unfortunately work only using Firestorm viewer and only if you change your preferences to allow windlights to change automatically. To do this simply press Ctrl and P to open preferences. Then click the Firestorm tab three up from the bottom of the list of tabs, then click Windlight tab.. then turn on everything on that page. It also uses advanced lighting with shadows.
Skye Galaxy Grid Hitz Performance from Metaverse TV on Vimeo.