I haz monkey brain joy

"It could be the first step towards truly immersive virtual reality, where you can feel the computer-generated world around you. An international team of neuroengineers has developed a brain-machine interface that's bi-directional. That means the monkeys can use this brain implant not only to control a virtual hand, but also to get feedback that tricks their brains into "feeling" the texture of virtual objects."

So begins this interesting article from i09 website http://io9.com/5846275/biotech-breakthrough-monkeys-can-feel-virtual-objects-using-a-brain-implant

And no that is not Naxos Loon.

Thanks to Semaj for linking me to this.


Dividni Shostakovich said…
Oh, Bryn, you're such a joker. You know perfectly well that nobody believes you. We know you like to pull the wool over your readers' eyes. But not this time. It's obvious: that is Naxos Loon.
Kara Trapdoor said…
Just WOW... and I thought it was Naxos too.
Bryn Oh said…
As with many other monkey species, virtual monkeys can be shy, Naxos doesn't like the limelight. He prefers the banannalight.

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