Imogen and the paintings

I am evil it's true. This is not an easy build.
I have included some images of a new oil painting which I completed not that long ago. It is self portrait of... well.. my avatar self. Over the last year or so I have been slowly building up paintings and music box insects inspired by working in our virtual world. I think it is interesting to note that when I first came to SL I brought in first life ideas to work on.. where now I seem to export SL ideas to my first life. Oh and I have some great news which seems to be a "for sure" thing now, though I guess you never really know. It appears that a Spanish Museum is interested in exhibiting my work a year from now with it possibly traveling to museums in Japan and Portugal as well. As the details become more concrete I will give out more info on the museums etc but so far it sounds exciting. I am going to attempt to get a region from Linden Labs in order to showcase other artists from here as well during the event.. but unfortunately pretty much every Linden I have met over time is now gone. I mean like.. who do I contact for things like that now? I remember for the World Expo in Shanghai a few years ago I spoke to Pathfinder Linden about it and he personally got excited over the project and took it to the top with a presentation to I think it was M Linden or whoever was CEO at that time. They gave Aino Barr and myself six regions to help promote Second Life during that event. It was great and the fact that a Linden lab employee was excited about an in world event was really refreshing. I mean for the LEA I can't even remember the names of the Lindens who are supposed to be our contacts. We have not spoken to one in a meaningful way for probably 8 months or so. They will help out and did so with the rearrangements of the AIR regions not long ago, but it doesn't feel like they are excited or partners but more like they just want us to run the LEA and leave them alone. Its what we want but .. still. It would be nice if they tried to force us to do something we didn't want to do so that we could fight with them over it... you know ... fight the faceless corporation and feel good about yourself afterwords because you stood up for something. Paint a picture of evil tyrants with hidden agendas.. which is likely just a fabrication in our own minds but.. you know.. who cares it works. Ah well. Anyway, start thinking up projects as the new round of AIRs (artist in residence) is approaching.
Good luck with the RL opportunities too. It sounds very exciting.