I saw a bear!
Ok so I am breaking my rule in keeping out rl. But there is a very good reason. You see on my writing retreat I was lost way up in this deserted area and suddenly this face appeared in the bushes. A moment later this young bear came out and began to walk beside the car. So like any city person who comes across a potentially dangerous animal outside the car... you roll down the window and start filming. In my mind he looked quite friendly and I am pretty sure I could have got out of the car and perhaps ridden on his back for a bit. So in case you can't tell by the movie this bear was about the size of a great dane dog and i was told it would have been around 200Lbs. The adults are much much bigger.
This is where I spent most of my time writing. This is a foggy morning.
Above is a place I tried writing at called cup and saucer. The little angular bit on the hill is where i sat and below is what it looks like up close. That triangular rock is completely natural and quite comfortable to sit on. I am afraid of heights so I was not able to look over the side, in fact i had to sit down most of the time I was up there. I have this weird reaction where even if someone else walks to the edge it makes me sit down. Anyway, I tortured myself for a while trying to work up there, mostly because I liked the idea of writing in this spot more than I actually enjoyed it.

I also found an old abandoned farm house on Manitoulin Island and so it had to be explored. I love exploring abandoned things that have been sitting around for years, I am not so sure I would have went inside this barn had I seen the bear first, but as it turns out nothing lived inside it.

I hear the Brooklyn is Watching show went well and if you saw my work and want to vote for me then go here and do so! Seems DanCoyote Antonelli is way in the lead for this but feel free to vote for me if you liked it.
I also found an old abandoned farm house on Manitoulin Island and so it had to be explored. I love exploring abandoned things that have been sitting around for years, I am not so sure I would have went inside this barn had I seen the bear first, but as it turns out nothing lived inside it.
I hear the Brooklyn is Watching show went well and if you saw my work and want to vote for me then go here and do so! Seems DanCoyote Antonelli is way in the lead for this but feel free to vote for me if you liked it.
“spirit island bear”
manitoulin mukwa
mountain lovers
- leaf crunch, twig crack-
darkening trails
big brown ears
brown fur tails
the brambles
in the light
in the night