So the bronze is complete and I am so very happy with how it turned
out. I am afraid they are all sold already except for one which I will
put in gallery shows, but here is the 12 inch bronze in pictures. This first one is in my very messy studio where they stayed just a short time as my two cats were very interested in them and determined to wrestle beside them when possible. They have all been flown across the world to the various collectors now. If you are interested in upcoming projects like this or want to know things that are happening please consider joining my Patreon group which helps to finance various things including this bronze project. Here is my patreon link if you are interested.

My Canada Council for the Arts grant is progressing nicely, well after losing four months progress in Unreal Engine after I moved a folder from one hard drive to another. But a very generous person came to my aid and helped me recover it. I don't know how to compare that feeling of losing so much work. The closest I can get is when I would write essays and have my computer crash or something before I saved them. Oh I was bad for that. I would write for hours without saving. I mean it takes two seconds to save.. wtf bryn. Anyhoo it was a bit like that but if your computer also punched you in the teeth after erasing your essay. Maybe even more than that really. After I lost it and couldn't get it back for a few days I became lethargic and full of ennui. I lay around moaning and if there were any cliffs nearby me I would have stood on the edge with the back of my hand to my forehead looking all forlorn. You get the overly dramatic picture. But yes it is all back and just a little corrupted which I am repairing and back on track. I will do a post just on the unreal engine project soon I really really love that program.
I also have some wonderful news which I will share as soon as all the paperwork goes through.